Adults With Mental Illness

MCCMH offers an array of support and treatment services to meet the needs of adults with mental illness. Our services are offered in a spirit of partnership with those we serve. Our goal is to support the individual recovery journey of each person, and to support him/her in living a life of meaning within the community, in accord with his/her values.


Children with Emotional Disturbance

MCCMH offers an array of services and supports to meet the needs of children with emotional disturbance and their families. Our services to children are offered using a family centered approach. We work with children and families to strengthen relationships and improve functioning at home, school, and in the community. We work to nurture resiliency in children and families — the ability to “bounce back” from setbacks and to build on successes, despite the challenges that may be faced in life.


Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

MCCMH offers an array of support and treatment services to meet the needs of children and adults with developmental disabilities. Our services are offered in a spirit of partnership with those we serve. Our goal is to support the active engagement of each individual in his or her community, and to support him/her in living a life of meaning in accord with his/her values.


Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Macomb County Community Mental Health is the designated coordinating agency for substance use services in Macomb County. The Macomb County Office of Substance Abuse (MCOSA) is the division of MCCMH that manages substance use services. MCOSA subcontracts with community agencies to provide publicly-funded substance use prevention and treatment services to people with Medicaid and others in Macomb County who qualify for publicly-funded treatment services. MCOSA also provides services and supports for substance abuse treatment providers.


Crisis Services

Crisis Services are available from Macomb County Community Mental Health 24/7/365. You do not need to call the Access Center or use any other MCCMH service to use Crisis services.

Telephone Crisis Services: The Macomb County Telephone Crisis Line offers telephone crisis counseling and resources to help in difficult situations. Telephone crisis services are available to anyone in Macomb County. Calls are confidential and are free.

Give Us A Call For More Information