Our Mission
Macomb County Community Mental Health, guided by the values, strengths and informed choices of
the people we serve, provides quality services which promote recovery, community participation, self-sufficiency, and independence..
RFI Public Notice
Community Mental Health – Centralized Access and Crisis Call Center
Macomb County CMH requests for information for a Centralized Access and Crisis Call Center.
To obtain a proposal packet visit the page for new/pending RFPs/RFIs or call/email Network Operations at (586) 469-6472/[email protected]
Deadline for proposals is 3:00PM, Friday, December 6, 2019
Provider Announcement – If you conduct, monitor or overseeing training that counts towards the DSP curriculum requirements there is an opportunity for you to give your input into the Training Reciprocity process approved by the states PIHP system. If you would like to learn more check out the flyer. read more
Self Determination Rock Updated – June 18, 2019
Macomb County Community Mental Health (MCCMH) currently serves approximately 904 individuals through self-determination arrangements. MCCMH began exploring a transition of self-determination arrangements to the Agency with Choice Model in April 2019. MCCMH met with multiple groups to share this plan, and to hear concerns about the proposed transition to the Agency with Choice model. The meetings included MCCMH Contracted Fiscal Intermediaries, CLS Providers, and Case Management provider staff. Based on the feedback and review, MCCMH no longer plans to transition all of the individuals served by Fiscal Intermediaries to the Agency of Choice model. We will, however, individually review each person served by a Fiscal Intermediary using the direct-employment model and ensure choice of models. As part of its quality improvement efforts MCCMH is also examining the need to require all self-determination models to require the same staff trainings and comparable reimbursement.
MCCMH is committed to promoting and encouraging the continued use of self-determination with persons served and their families, including those with complex needs. MCCMH welcomes feedback regarding the model examination.
Self Determination Rock Updated – June 18, 2019
If you or a loved one are experiencing sadness, lack of energy or even irritability, you may be depressed. Additional signs include feeling sad, lack of appetite, isolation, and crying and not knowing why. These can make day-to-day living harder, and may even lead to physical health problems.
The Macomb County Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 586-307-9100, that’s 586-307-9100. Listen to it here.
Macomb County Community Mental Health MinuteTV WarrenVimeo
The Macomb County Health Department has asked all County Departments to share the attached important information about Hepatitis A in our community. Please read and share with others who may be impacted.
Meetings of the MCCMH Program and Budget Committee and MCCMH Full Board are held at the Macomb County Board of Commissioners’ Board Room, on the 9th Floor of the County Administration Building. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. These meetings are open to the public. Visit our Community Calendar page for meeting times, or call 586-469-5263 for more information.
Statewide MI Health Link Ombudsman Available! The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative and its partners at the Counsel and Advocacy Law Line (CALL) are pleased to announce that the Statewide MI Health Link Ombudsman Program is available! The toll free number is 888-746-6456. The helpline will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The Ombudsman can also be reached by email, at [email protected].Visit the MI Health Link page to learn more about how MI Health Link works to improve services for dual eligible beneficiaries!